HERStory 2025: Fighting for HER Rights
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She-wolvesBren, Paulina
¡Sí, Ella Puede!Sowards, Stacey K.
Angela DavisDavis, Angela Y.
The EquivalentsDoherty, Maggie
Didion & BabitzAnolik, Lili
Living for ChangeBoggs, Grace Lee
The Great Stewardess RebellionMcShane Wulfhart, Nell
Being HeumannHeumann, Judith E.
Wilma MankillerHerda, D. J.
The Story of JaneKaplan, Laura
All inKing, Billie Jean
I Heard Her Call My NameSante, Lucy
The Swans of HarlemValby, Karen
ConnieChung, Connie
HERstory Through Art: Exploring the Work of Women Artists
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A Fearless EyeRamos, Barbara
Beware of the Woman ArtistAdler, Laure
Women Artists TogetherTobin, Amy
Dissident PracticesCalirman, Claudia
Women in Revolt!
Marisa Mori and the FuturistsGriffiths, Jennifer
Adriana Varejão
Feliza Bursztyn
Suzanne Jackson
Rina Banerjee
Wangechi MutuWangechi Mutu
Carrie Mae WeemsWeems, Carrie Mae
A World of Our OwnBorzello, Frances
With Darkness Came StarsFlack, Audrey
Ruth AsawaAsawa, Ruth
HERstory 2025: Girls can!
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Swimming Toward A DreamFaruqi, Reem
Claudette ColvinColvin, Claudette
Autumn Peltier, Water WarriorLindstrom, Carole
It's Not Bragging If It's TrueAvant-garde, Zaila
ListenStocker, Shannon
More Than PeachWoodard, Bellen
Shaped by Her HandsFreeman, Anna Harber
Fossil HunterBlackford, Cheryl
I Am Ruby BridgesBridges, Ruby
The Eagle HuntressAisholpan, Nurgaiv
Malala YousafzaiSaeed, Aisha
The Enigma GirlsFleming, Candace
One Million TreesBalouch, Kristen
Courage Like KateRedding, Anna Crowley
The Story of Anne FrankBerne, Emma Carlson
The Complete Story of Sadako Sasaki and the Thousand CranesDiCicco, Sue
Sybil Ludington Rides to the RescueGunderson, Jessica
There Goes Patti McGee!Nienow, Tootie
Greta ThunbergTurner, Tracey
Living the Confidence CodeKay, Katty
SUhistoria 2025: Celebración de la Historia de la Mujer
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Olga muere soñandoGonzalez, Xochitl
El universo de Sor JuanaJuana Inés de la Cruz
Como agua para chocolateEsquivel, Laura
Una casa propiaCisneros, Sandra
El infinito en la palma de la manoBelli, Gioconda
Hijas de América Latina
Las mujeres que luchan se encuentranRuiz-Navarro, Catalina
Clara CampoamorGonzález Sanz, Alba
Mi lenguaje rotoHudes, Quiara Alegría
Yo soy la hija de mi padreSalinas, María Elena
Feminismo para principiantesVarela, Nuria
Nuestra AméricaVourvoulias, Sabrina