Workshop: Know Your Name, with Tyler Cohen, Comic Artist

星期一, 4/26/2021
7:00 - 8:15

Tyler Cohen, cartoonist, will lead a workshop on memoir drawing and cartooning. 

Tyler Cohen (She/They) is a cartoonist who likes to mix autobiography and surrealism. Her book, Primahood: Magenta, won the 2017 Bisexual Book Award for Graphic Memoir. Tyler's work has also appeared online at PEN Illustrated and, and in print in numerous anthologies, including the Eisner Award-winning Drawing Power and Ignatz Award-winning Qu33r.

Artist statement

My style ranges from sketchy to finely detailed compositions. Whether in book-form or in gallery installations (I like to call these room-books), I consider my work to be comics. One of the great things about the comics medium is its capacity to use multiplicity of voices and simultaneity. Art is a means of engaging in conversations and contemplations. With this in mind, I like to raise questions and stimulate thought and feelings. I'm not here to provide answers. As with all dialogue, the take-away is collaborative. Connect - Website | Instagram | Twitter





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