10:00 - 12:00
Meet photographers Sarah Lewington and Harvey Castro at Ruth's Table in the Mission and learn how to use your phone to take pictures and share them with others. Participants will gather at Ruth's Table, take a leisurely stroll around the colorful Mission District, and receive simple instructions with handouts on how to send pictures to others. Please bring a mobile phone that has a camera and wear comfortable walking shoes. Program is bilingual Spanish/English. Reservations required: (415) 821-1003, ext. 113 or info@sfcommunityliving.org
Conoce a los fotógrafaa Sarah Lewington y Harvey Castro en Ruth's Table en la Misión y aprende a utilizar tu teléfono móvil para tomar fotos y compartirlas. Los participantes se reunirán en Ruth's Table, darán un paseo tranquilo por el distrito de la Misión y recibirán instrucciones sencillas sobre cómo enviar fotos a otras personas. Por favor trae un teléfono móvil que tenga cámara y usa zapatos cómodos para caminar. El programa es bilingüe español/inglés. Reserva su espacio, llame, (415) 821-1003 ext. 113 o por correo electrónico, info@sfcommunityliving.org
The Community Living Campaign (CLC) brings greater joy, health, and connectedness to seniors and people with disabilities in San Francisco through community-building, empowerment, and advocacy.
Connect: Community Living Campaign Website | Facebook | Twitter
This event is part of SF Tech Week.
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Programa en español. Program in spoken Spanish.
Tech Week
Build your skills, explore technology and connect with expert help this May.