Market Research Resources

We provide a variety of resources to assist you in conducting thorough market research. This includes sources for tracking market trends and assessing competition. Our offerings extend to a number of consumer demographics sources to help you find information on potential customers for your product or service. 

Online Databases

Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

Access to business journals including market research and consumer research publications.

Insights (Gale Business)

Find market share/rankings and market research reports by limiting your search results by those content types. 

Reference Solutions (Data Axle)

The U.S. Consumer/Lifestyles database contains information of consumers who have answered market research surveys about their preferences. 


The Market Insights platform covers a broad range of topics, from consumer goods to technology to automobiles. The Consumer Insights platform helps you understand consumer behavior and consumer interactions with brands.

Print Sources 

Book of Lists

Lists top ranking local businesses by industry or service. 

Business Rankings Annual

Compiles business rankings published in periodicals, newspapers, financial services, directories, statistical annuals and other sources. Lists only top companies but covers a wide range of industries.

California Retail Survey

Lists 10 year sales trends for 45 retail categories in over 500 market areas. 

Market Share Reporter

Presents market share data on over four thousand companies, and 2,500 products, facilities, and brands. 

Plunkett’s Industry Almanacs

Find market research, latest trends and technologies analyzed, profile of leading companies and more in each industry-specific almanac. 

The Who's Buying Series

Helps you get an idea about who is spending how much and where, for products and services similar to yours. 

Internet Resources

Census Data

This is the platform to access demographic and economic data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Provides data on expenditures, income, and demographic characteristics of consumers in the United States. Issued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.