Tuesday, 5/14/2024
5:30 - 7:30
Visitacion Valley Meeting Room
Visitacion Valley

201 Leland Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94134
United States

Contact Telephone

Learn how to get an email account and how to navigate a personal email account which includes: how to compose and send email messages, how to monitor the inbox for incoming messages and how to reply.

Instruction in Cantonese. Space limited. Reservations required: 415-355-2848. (Starting 5/1/2024)

This event is part of SF Tech Week.


學習如何設置以及如何訪問個人電郵帳戶,包括:如何撰寫及發送電郵訊息、管理接收電郵訊息的收件箱以及回覆電郵。 以粵語授課。 名額有限。 報名請致電:415-355-2848聯絡訪谷區圖書分館。(5月1日開始接受報名)

這是「三藩市科技週」(SF Tech Week)的其中一項活動。


Tech Exchange was founded by Bruce Buckelew, a pioneer in addressing the digital divide through green technology solutions. Tech Exchange provides community with free and low-cost computers, tech support, digital skills, and assistance with internet access.


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