星期四, 11/12/2020
11:00 - 12:00


Learn about the sometimes surprising ways your marital status may affect your financial life. We'll talk about questions like, What's the best tax filing status for a couple? What's the significance of living in a community property state? Is Registered Domestic Partners status enough? And more. Bring your own questions and be ready to think about the unromantic parts of romance.

About the speaker: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, Enrolled Agent, teaches courses at UC Berkeley Extension in Income Tax, Employment Benefits & Retirement Planning and Retirement Income Planning. She is a fee-only financial planner with Hargrave Fiduciary Advisors, and also a tax advisor and preparer. She particularly enjoys helping clients navigate the less romantic aspects of their personal relationships, including how to combine resources and work toward joint goals, and the effects of marital status on taxes, estate planning and retirement savings.


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