星期四, 2/18/2021
10:00 - 11:30

Managers and recruiters are looking at LinkedIn every day to find or vet candidates for their job openings.  An optimized profile will not only attract recruiters but will also enhance your networking. Bring your enabled LinkedIn account and questions that you have about the profile. We talk about your photo, the headline, the summary/about section, how to cover your experience and skills and more. 

David G. Robins is the Senior Instructor – Job Search Accelerator (JSA) Program at JVS-San Francisco. He has been an instructor in job search skills for over 10 years and is also a Career Advisor. His background includes experience in large multi-national companies, small and medium size companies, non-profits and government. He earned his certificate as a Certified Professional in Learning & Performance (CPLP) from the international Association of Talent Development. 

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