Write Now!

Creative Writing Workshops for Writers of Color
星期六, 2/15/2020
12:00 - 3:00
Martin Paley Conference Room - 3rd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

This free monthly writing workshop provides a safe, supportive space for self-identified writers of color to explore race, class, culture, gender and identity. Although we center voices of color, all are welcome, including participants ages 16-80 from all walks of life and educational backgrounds. We range from beginning writers to seasoned professionals, working in any genre: prose, poetry, screenplays, zines...

Work at your own pace to develop your unique voice and style in a warm, multicultural workshop setting. Bring writing to share (with hard copies for written feedback) or just come and listen.

Moderated by Shizue Seigel, Japanese American writer, artist and editor of the community anthologies Civil Liberties United (2019), Endangered Species, Enduring Values (2018) and Standing Strong! Fillmore & Japantown (2016).

Please RSVP to shiz1@mindspring.com, so participants know how many copies to bring.



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