
CANCELED: *CANCELLED - Dialogue: Women and Speculative Fiction

星期二, 3/10/2020
5:30 - 7:30
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Authors Pat Murphy, Rebecca Gomez Farrell, Madeleine Robins, Lisa Goldstein and M. Luke McDonell will read from and discuss their works of science fiction and fantasy.

M. Luke McDonell is a San Francisco-based writer and designer. Her near-future fiction explores the effects of technology on individuals and society, with particular focus on the growing power of corporations and the associated voluntary and involuntary loss of rights and privacy.

Pat Murphy was a writer at the San Francisco Exploratorium for upwards of 20 years. Her fiction has won a number of awards, including the Nebula Award for Science Fiction, the World Fantasy Award, the Philip K. Dick Award for best paperback original, the Christopher Award, and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award. She also co-founded the James Tiptree Memorial Award.

Madeleine Robins is the author of the Sarah Tolerance mystery series: Point of Honour, Petty Treason, and The Sleeping Partner. She’s also the author of the New York Times Notable Book The Stone War, a dark fantasy set in New York City; five Regency romances; Sold for Endless Rue, a historical novel set in medieval Italy; many short stories; and is one of six authors of the Serial Box production Whitehall.

Lisa Goldstein has written fifteen novels, including The Red Magician, which won the American Book Award for Best Paperback, and The Uncertain Places which won a Mythopoeic Award. She has also won the Sidewise Award for her short story "Paradise Is A Walled Garden." Her stories have appeared in Ms. Magazine, Asimov's Science Fiction, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, among other places.

Rebecca Gomez Farrell's epic fantasy, Wings Unseen, debuted from Meerkat Press in 2017. Her shorter pieces have appeared over twenty times in publications and anthologies such as Typehouse Literary Magazine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Best Indie Speculative Fiction of 2019. Farrell also runs theGourmez.com, a food and drink blog, and co-helms a Bay Area, California chapter of Women Who Submit Lit and the East Bay Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Meetup group.

Programs spotlighting women's history, rights and current issues.

HERstory is SFPL's celebration of Women's History Month, spotlighting authors, thinkers, visionaries and artists during the month of March. Program offerings are for all ages. 

Engage with your favorite writers and discover your next read.



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