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Performance: Kim Shuck's Poem Jam: Banned Books Edition

星期四, 4/14/2022
6:00 - 7:15

San Francisco Poet Laureate emerita Kim Shuck invites Mahnaz Badihian, Tongo Eisen-Martin, D. L. Lang, Mae Ywae and Kenneth Wong to this poetry reading on the topic of banned books, imprisoned poets and the silencing of authors.

Watch on YouTube

Kim Shuck was San Francisco’s seventh Poet Laureate. Her poetry draws on her multiethnic background which includes Polish and Cherokee heritage, and her experiences as a lifelong resident of San Francisco. Her most recent book of poetry, Exile Heart, was published in 2021 by That Painted Horse Press. In her term as Poet Laureate, she hosted scores of free poetry and art workshops for all ages at neighborhood libraries and schools and worked closely with San Francisco Public Library and the San Francisco Arts Commission to launch major citywide initiatives to honor Native American Indigenous People’s heritage. 


Kim Shuck - Twitter 

Tongo Eisen-Martin, originally from San Francisco, is a poet, movement worker and educator. His latest curriculum on extrajudicial killing of Black people, We Charge Genocide Again, has been used as an educational and organizing tool throughout the country. His book titled, Someone's Dead Already was nominated for a California Book Award. His book Heaven Is All Goodbyes was published by the City Lights Pocket Poets series, was shortlisted for the Griffins Poetry Prize and won a California Book Award and an American Book Award. His latest book Blood On The Fog was published in 2021 by the City Lights Pocket Poets series. He is San Francisco’s eighth Poet Laureate.

Programs designed to celebrate the art of the poem, including readings and talks.

Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.



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