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Workshop: Mandarin for Beginners

A partnership with Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco
星期六, 10/22/2022
10:30 - 12:30
Ocean View Meeting Room
Ocean View

345 Randolph Street
San Francisco, CA 94132

Contact Telephone

This is an introductory 8-week course to Mandarin conversations. This is a beginner class for those who have only limited to no prior experience of Mandarin. This class will introduce students to Mandarin pronunciation, tones, basic grammar patterns, and conversation. Students will have an opportunity to learn about topics including family, professionals, hobbies, dining and traveling. During classes, we will also introduce Taiwanese culture and include some hand-on activities. Registration required: (415) 355-5615.

Vivian Dai, a Taiwanese native, has been living in the Bay Area for 10 years. Previously she taught Mandarin in schools in Edinburgh and London before moving to the SF Bay Area. She enjoys teaching adults and young children. Teacher Vivian likes to incorporate culture into her teaching, for example, Chinese calligraphy and Tai Qi. She believes learning a new language fosters friendship and connection with people.


Become a global citizen through learning and practicing language skills.



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