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Presentation: Best Retirement Savings Plans for You

星期五, 4/7/2023
12:00 - 1:00

Get into the facts about SEP-IRAs, SOLO 401(k)s, Roth vs. Traditional IRAs, Backdoor Roths, the Mega-Backdoor and other tax-advantaged savings opportunities. This is your chance to figure out which plans are best for you, whether you’re an employee or a business owner; how to integrate your small business plan with your spouse's workplace plan; maximizing family contributions; and making the most of new tax incentives for small business plans. Bring your questions and be ready to start building your nest egg. 

About the speaker: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, EA, is the Principal at Clarity Financial, a woman-owned, fee-only financial planning firm based in San Francisco. She works with individuals and couples on retirement planning; equity compensation; tax planning; risk management; investments; budgeting, saving, and debt management; and more. She also prepares tax returns and teaches courses, including Income Tax, at UC Berkeley Extension and Golden Gate University. 

Heather Liston

Heather C. Liston - LinkedIn 

An ongoing series of virtual programs focused on supporting job and career seekers, personal finance needs and small business resources.

Presentations on a wide menu of topics, ranging from the basics on saving, financial planning and cash flow management, to investing, retirement planning, property tax and insurance sub-limits throughout the month of April.



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