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Presentation: Introduction to Pitch Decks

星期二, 5/9/2023
12:00 - 1:00

Seeking funds from family and friends, investors or lenders? Pitch decks are an important tool to use on your journey to success. Learn do’s and don’ts, the most important slides every pitch deck must have, and other tips and strategies.  

Gwendolyn Wright is the Managing Consultant of The Wright Consultants. Her mission is to start and grow businesses, increase entrepreneurs’ access to capital and improve their financial acumen. She has extensive experience, from ecommerce, retail and wholesale to manufacturing and distribution, consulting, and coaching small and medium size businesses for over twenty years. 

Gwendolyn Wright

The San Francisco Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides expert no-cost advising and workshops to guide small businesses to success. They work hands-on with entrepreneurs and business owners to address challenges, seize opportunities and help grow their client’s bottom line. You can sign up for no-cost one-on-one advising. For upcoming workshop information, look at the San Francisco Small Business Development Center's upcoming trainings on their events page.  

Sign up for the SBDC's newsletter.  

Disclaimer: The information provided in this webinar and any supplementary materials provided are intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute professional financial or legal advice. By registering for this webinar, you accept and agree to the full disclaimer and that under no circumstances shall the named parties be held liable for any claims, losses or damages arising out of or in any way related to the information provided in this webinar and/or the registrant’s use of or reliance on said information.  

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Please contact qian.wan@sfgov.org.  

You will receive the Zoom link in a reminder email prior to the event.   

An ongoing series of virtual programs focused on supporting job and career seekers, personal finance needs and small business resources.


Start and grow your small business.



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