
Performance: Chinese Guqin and Xiao 古琴與簫的講座和演奏

by Coral Liang
星期日, 1/21/2024
2:00 - 3:15
Chinese Center Exhibit Space - 3rd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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This music program mainly consists of two parts. The first part is an introduction to the guqin and xiao, focusing on the history and origins of these instruments, the aesthetics of their music, and specific playing techniques. The second part primarily features instrumental performances, including the guqin, xiao, flute, and guzheng.

Traditionally, the four arts of the Chinese literati are “琴 Qin, 棋 Chinese Chess, 書 calligraphy and 畫 painting.” This event is an opportunity for more culture enthusiasts to get to know and understand this ancient and traditional music art form. These traditional arts are treasures belonging to all people.

Coral Liang plays the guqin and xiao. She received her Master degree on bilingual education in 2019. She started her music study at the age of three and later took up the Chinese bamboo flute when she was six. She has also studied erhu, and guzheng. With more than 20 years of experiences in musical performance, she received awards at competitions in China and internationally. In recent years, she and her friends established the San Francisco Guqin and Xiao Music Society. This is a non-profit music organization primarily focused on promoting Chinese traditional culture, with a focus on instruments like the guqin and xiao. They serve the San Francisco community through activities such as music education, hosting concerts, music lectures, and cultural art festivals.



Coral Liang 演奏古琴和蕭。她於2019年獲得雙語教育碩士學位。她從三歲開始學習音樂,六歲時開始學習竹笛。她還學過二胡、古箏。她擁有超過20年的音樂表演經驗,曾在中國和國際比賽中獲獎。近年來,她和朋友成立了San Francisco Guqin and Xiao Music Society。這是一個非營利性的音樂組織,主要致力於弘揚中國傳統文化,重點是古琴和蕭琴等樂器。他們為三藩市社區提供音樂教育、舉辦音樂會、音樂講座和文化藝術節等活動。

Special guest:

Ziying Zhao ---a Guqin performer in the United States, is a member of the Global Outstanding Chinese Artists Association and the World Chinese Musicians Association.

May Huang—Guqin player

Alice Jen ---Erhu player

Bi Zhen Yan—paper-cutting artist


Zoey Li, Alex Li ( Dizi player)

Racher Li ( Guqin player)

Renee Jiang, Katie Ma ( Guzheng player)

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
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Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.





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