A partnership with National Park Service - Alcatraz
星期六, 11/21/2020
11:00 - 12:00


Asha Nordwall and Benayshe-Ba-Equay Titus will share with us the movements that shaped a new generation of Native American activism. Benayshe-Ba-Equay Titus is the daughter of Adam Fortunate Eagle Nordwall, member of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians and Native American activist. Her father's story of activism has been passed down through oral history and through his extensive archives. Asha Nordwall also spent time on Alcatraz during the occupation.

Native Americans arrived in the Bay Area by the thousands beginning with the GI Bill after the Second World War and continuing in the 1950s and 1960s through the government policies known as termination and relocation. The cultural and racial divisions in the city led to widespread discrimination along with loss of Native cultures and identities. Native Americans began to organize and work together to locate themselves on the “urban reservation,” culminating in the takeover of Alcatraz Island on November 20, 1969. Join our guests to learn about the movements that shaped a new generation of Native American activism. 

Adam Fortunate Eagle Nordwall at SFPL

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