請查看我們即將登場的職財有道 (Work it) 節目。錯過了您想參加的節目?您可以收看我們一些最受歡迎的節目。請瀏覽職財有道 (Work it) 節目重溫 (YouTube 視頻)。

The Jobs & Careers Center aims to provide practical information and resources on job-hunting skills, career exploration, professional skills development and workplace success. Librarians at the Business, Science and Technology Center reference desk can offer information services about jobs and careers.
Finding a Job includes resources on how to write cover letters and resumes, how to interview and network, research your employers, using various job search engines, looking at SFPL and SFGOV jobs and gig jobs.
In Getting Support you will find community job centers, coaching and support groups and jobs clubs.
Find job training and apprenticeship, computer skills, ebooks, and elearning resources for Career Development and Training.
Look in Exploring Careers for labor market information, salaries and wages, salary negotiation, self-assessment resources, career exploration, job descriptions and industry exploration.
Young Adults has a list of organizations that provide job readiness training and skills, career and vocational training, and more to young adults.
For 50+ Job Seekers, take a look at the list of organizations and online search tips that can help support older adults with their job search.
Reentry can take a look at the list of organizations that support those in reentry including a list of second chance employers, resources, training and employment services.
LGBTQIA community members can take a look at local centers in San Francisco who help support job search.
Veterans can find a list of resources and job boards for veterans.
Immigrant Professionals can find lists of organizations that help work-authorized and skilled immigrants with their job search.
People with Disabilities can find lists of organization that help people with disabilities with job training, placement and other resources.
實時求職教練 (Live Job Coach)
圖書館透過 Brainfuse 提供一項名為「馬上搵工」(JobNow) 的網上求職輔導。他們的求職教練會於每日下午一時至十時提供協助。您可以點擊上面的連接使用該服務。系統會要求您輸入圖書證號碼和個人身份識別碼 (PIN)/密碼。進入 Brainfuse 的 JobNow 主頁後,便可設置個人戶口開始使用服務。
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