星期三, 2/24/2021
2:00 - 2:30


 Meet Torrey Maldonado, teacher and author of middle grade titles, Tight, Secret Saturdays, and What Lane?, that discuss friendship, race, school life and city life.

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Torrey is a critically acclaimed author who was voted a Top 10 Latino Author and best Middle Grade and Young Adult novelist. For over twenty years he has taught in the same Brooklyn neighborhood where he was born and raised. As a result of his dedication to students and passion for literacy, New York City's former and current Chancellors have praised him as a top teacher and author. Drawing from his and his students' experiences, Torrey’s work insightfully explores universal themes with honesty, authenticity, and dignity in a way that connects with tween and teen readers. Tight was named Best Book of the Year by Washington Post and NPR and won a humanitarian Christopher Award. His most current work, What Lane?, has received starred reviews and is listed in Oprah magazine, the NY Times, and more as an essential antiracist book to discuss daily racism and allyship.

Connect with Torrey - Website | Twitter