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Presentation: Getting Started With Investment Clubs

星期日, 4/3/2022
1:00 - 2:00

Learn about how and why to start your own investment club from some experienced investment club participants. Remember, investment clubs are an active way to learn how to invest and work as a group—learn by doing.

Some of the information we cover includes: conduct of the meeting, partnership agreement, operating procedures, how to get members, taxes and accounting. is a non-profit organization that supports investment clubs across the nation.

Presenters: Harriet Chan, Craig Braemer, Jim Willcox


Harriet Chan is a retail Investor who is a member of Better Investing since 1999 and she is a director of San Francisco Bay Area Chapter since 2000. She is a lifetime member of Better Investing and has 40+ years investing as well as 12+ years of option trading. Finally, she is a former member of SFBA Chapter Model Club as well as the SMART Club and she is currently in the SRCC Virtual Investment Club.


Craig Braemer is a professional investor who has been investing for 45+ years. He started his first club in 1987 which is still operating. He has been a director of the BetterInvesting San Francisco Bay Area Chapter since 1994 and is a member of the SFBA Chapter Model Club. He has several professional financial designations including the Chartered Financial Analyst and Certified Financial Planner.


Jim Willcox is a long-term personal investor with 10+ years investing with BetterInvesting (BI), a SF Chapter BI Board member, current Treasurer of the SFBA Chapter Model investment club with experience in various other officer positions in investment clubs.


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Better Investing 

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