2022-05_05-02 Tracy Williams_Booked.png

Workshop: Tongan Kupesi Art

星期二, 5/31/2022
4:30 - 5:30
Mix: Read/Write/Study - 2nd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Learn the patterns and designs of the Tongan Kupesi (motifs and symbols) printed and drawn on ngatu (tapa cloth). Each kupesi has a meaning, a history and place of origin which tells the place of origin of the ngatu and its makers. Often the kupesi drawn into a piece of ngatu marks historical events and co-relates to Tongan cosmology, seasons and the environment. Use provided acrylic paint in a guided art activity. For ages 13–18. 

Evelyn “Tracy” Williams, is a muralist, art workshop facilitator and volunteer for Ikuna, a community organization that supports, promotes and celebrates Pacific Islander youth and community success in Oakland, California. Her creative work is greatly influenced by Pasifika culture, wholesome conversations, nature, life experiences, community organizers and youth.

After serving a full-time mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in South Auckland, New Zealand, she pursued the arts in Salt Lake City, Utah. Opening some of Salt Lake City’s first Pasifika art events at Utah Museum of Contemporary Art and Veteran’s Affairs Hospital, Tracy served as a member for the following organizations: SLC Mural Festival committee, Diversity Council at the Veteran’s Affairs hospital and PEAU (Pasifika Enriching Arts of Utah). After visiting with family and friends in 2021, Williams won first place at Oakland's Art Clash. As a result, she decided to move back home and partner with phenomenal local art organizations to create wholesome and productive youth art projects in the Oakland Unified School district. She is currently working on a mural with the Asian Pacific Island club at Elmhurst Middle School in East Oakland and will lead an art workshop for a youth retreat in Hawaii of July 2022.

Instagram - Tracy Williams

Exercise your power of imagination with programs that encourage hands-on projects for adults. For craft programs, all materials are provided, unless noted.

Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
Connect with AANHPI heritage with programs and workshops, book recommendations and more.

Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

Find inspiration through craft programs featuring talented artists, makers and even your local librarians. For craft programs, all materials are provided, unless noted.





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