Illustration of girl reading book and a tree showing things you can do at the Library

Canceled: Panel: Black Health: San Francisco

A partnership with WISE Health SF
星期三, 6/14/2023
9:00 - 12:00
Koret Lobby
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

This program has been postponed, date to be determined. Thank you for your interest in our programs.


In our second year of promoting education and awareness of Black health in San Francisco, we are focusing on supporting our Black youth. Join us for a half day of health education, healthy food and fun experiences centered around adolescent health and for the youth. This event will include a lite breakfast,  a panel of health professionals speaking to youth on current health trends, a cultural shopping experience at our on-site Farmer's Market and a variety of fun health educational activities suitable for participants of all ages. 


Brittney Doyle is the founder of WISE Health, a public health consulting company that specializes in developing community engagement strategies designed to address barriers associated with the health inequities found in under-served communities. Doyle’s efforts focus on advancing strategies related to increasing free health services, preventing HIV and addressing health behaviors such as social isolation and care coordination on local levels. 


WISE Health SF logo

WISE Health provides services within housing sites, homeless shelters, community centers, churches and wherever there is a need for a community health impact. Doyle collaborates with community organizations, government agencies, health clinics and academic institutions to ensure that these populations are reached where they work, live, play and pray. She is passionate about developing innovative, interactive and effective healthy experiences that will appeal to diverse communities of all ages. 



WISE Health SF - Website | WISE Health SF - Instagram 

Brittney Doyle - Twitter




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