
Workshop: Pollen - Poems for Planet Earth With Local Author E.K. Keith

星期三, 4/19/2023
6:00 - 8:00
Portola Garden
Portola Meeting Room

380 Bacon Street
San Francisco, CA 94134

Contact Telephone

Celebrate Poetry Month by writing your own poem every Wednesday in April. This workshop + open mic led by E.K. Keith will engage participants in a garden variety writing workshop focused on our environment, followed by an open mic in the garden. Workshop starts at 6:00 p.m. Open mic sign-up at 6:45 p.m. Open mic starts at 7:00 p.m.

Featured Poets:

4/5 Lourdes Figueroa

4/12 Charlie Getter

4/19 Shay X. Gee

4/26 LadiRev


E.K. Keith is a poet and teacher librarian. She is deeply concerned about our environment and hopes that the poets share their poems for Planet Earth widely, freely, and randomly… like pollen. Read Keith's book, Ordinary Villains and her Poem of the Day. You can watch Keith's performances at SFPL's Poem Jam . If you want to read more, you can find Keith's poems included in these anthologies of poetry: 

This Wandering State: Poems from Alta 

Beat Not Beat: An Anthology of California Poets Screwing on the Beat and post-Beat Tradition 

Colossus: Home: An Anthology In & Out of Place 

Civil Liberties United: Diverse Voices from the Bay Area 

Essential Truths: The Bay Area in Color 




Find out how to adopt a greener lifestyle and discover the outdoors with SFPL and its partners.

Programs designed to celebrate the art of the poem, including readings and talks.



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