Panel: 50 Years of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Park Superintendant David Smith and Interpreter Al Blank
星期二, 9/12/2023
5:00 - 6:00

David Smith and Al Blank will discuss park history, changing ideas of park stewardship, and what the future holds for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA). GGNRA has been a place for public education and enjoyment since October 29th 1972. Over 50 years, the National Park Service has cared for a collective San Francisco resource, and continues to find new ways to engage us. 

David Smith serves as the superintendent of Golden Gate National Recreation Area as well as Muir Woods and Fort Point National Monuments. Prior to arriving at Golden Gate, Smith served the previous ten years as superintendent at Joshua Tree National Park. Smith is the national winner of the Freeman Tilden Award.

Al Blank came to the Bay Area from New York City in 1997 and worked with the University of California San Francisco. Joining  the National Park Service as a Volunteer in the Interpretation and Education Division at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area on Alcatraz Island in 2004, Blank found an entirely new and exciting career path, and is now a Park Ranger in the Marin Headlands.

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