Disability/Accessibility Interest

Services: Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS)

星期三, 6/14/2023
2:30 - 5:00
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Outreach event by the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS).

The Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS) supports the well-being, safety and independence of adults with disabilities, older people and veterans. Our values include: Compassion, Accountability, Inclusion, Equity and Innovation. DAS serves close to 70,000 clients through its department programs and partnerships with community-based organizations, addressing a wide range of services for people living independently to those in need of full-time support.

The DAS Benefits and Resource HUB provides both in-person (Walk-In Center at 2 Gough) and phone assistance (hotline at 415-355-6700). It provides a ‘one stop shop’ model with social workers available for comprehensive whole person assessments, where individuals can learn about resources available to them and to get connected to services. In addition, we complete referrals for Home Delivered Meals, In-Home Support Services, Case Management, Community Living Fund and Adult Protective Services. 

The Veterans Resources at the Bridge supports the veteran community with information and assistance for veterans and their families. For more information, please visit sfpl.org/veterans

Events for adults and children with disabilities, their families, friends and allies.

Learn and live well at any age.



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