
San Francisco International Flor Y Canto Literary Festival 2023

星期五, 6/16/2023
4:00 - 9:30
24th Street Corridor/Latino Cultural District

24th St.
San Francisco , CA 94110

Fri, June 16 Line-up

4–4:55 p.m. 

Poetas en la esquina - Outside of Temo’s Café, 3000 24th Street  

Meet us on the corner to hear these big voices: Baruch Porras-Hernandez, Hilary Cruz Mejia, Aideed Medina and  Josiah Luis Alderete. 

5–5:55 p.m.

Flor y Canto Reads - Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street 

The people who put together this festival read en voz alta: Yaccaira Salvatierra, Maria Guerrero, Lourdes Figueroa,  Josiah Luis Alderte and hector son of hector. 

6–6:55 p.m.

Gracias Nomadic Poetry Reading - Adobe Books & Arts Cooperative, 3130 24th Street 

A gesture of gratitude and love entire from the Flor y Canto community for Nomadic's work, for the movement of each other's voz here we begin the medicine for each other. Featuring Rachelle Escamilla, Katie Aliféris, Karen  Llagas, Florencio Milito, Kevin Madrigal Galindo and Roberto F. Santiago. 

7–7:55 p.m.

Norman Antonio Zelaya: Gente, Folks - Acción Latina, 2958 24th Street 

Ricardo Tavarez, of the infamous Pan Dulce Poets reading series, will be in conversation with author Norman  Antonio Zelaya of Black Freighter Press. 

8 p.m.

The Before Columbus Foundation Presents: Victor Hernández Cruz - Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street  

Pioneering, Nuyorican poet Victor Hernández Cruz will be reading from his newest book Guayacán (Ishmael Reed  Publishing, 2022). This event is sponsored by The Before Columbus Foundation.


Sat., June 17 Line-up

1–1:55 p.m.

Flor y Canto’s Children’s Story Hour - Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street 

Story hour with Jorge Argueta reading from his newest book Tierra Tierrita (Piñata Books, 2022), and Maya  Camarón-Gordon from her newest book The Mermaid Princess (HarperCollins, 2023). Luna Press will be supporting us with a table at this event.  

2–2:55 p.m. 

Pochino Press Presents: A Pan Dulce Poets Release Party - Acción Latina, 2958 24th Street

The launch of Despues del Aguacero: A Pan Dulce Poets Anthology (Pochino Press, 2023) will be at this year’s Flor y  Canto Literary Festival! There will be pan dulce, coffee, and poetry from Norma Smith, Josiah Luis Alderete, hector  son of hector, Amalia Alvarez, Lateef McLead and Flavia Mora.  

3–3:55 p.m. 

rosas de los angeles - Precita Eyes Muralists, 2981 24th Street 

LA poets present the Bay Area with their flor y cantos. Featuring Mimi Tempestt, Maestro Gamin and Tori  Gesualdo. Curated and hosted by soledad con carne.  

4–4:55 p.m.

Fresno Reads - Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street 

It isn’t a San Francisco Flor y Canto Festival without a visit from Fresno. Curated by Sara Borjas and featuring J. J.  Hernandez, Emilia Borjas & Yelisa Ambriz.  

5 p.m.

Laureates en conversación with Aimee Suzara - Red Poppy Art House, 2698 Folsom Street  

Poet Laureates Lee Herrick (California), David Flores (Richmond), and Tongo Eisen-Martin (San Francisco) will be in conversation with Aimee Suzara.  

7 p.m.

Community Awards Ceremony - Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street 

This year we honor Leticia Hernández-Linares with the San Francisco International Flor y Canto Community Appreciation Teyolía Award. Come celebrate with us her poetry and her commitment to the community. She will be joined by Claudia Castro Luna and Maurisa Thompson. 



Engage with your favorite writers and discover your next read.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Latinx community.

¡VIVA! at the Library is a celebration of Latinx heritage, cultures and traditions. San Francisco has a rich Latinx heritage that is highlighted in a diverse array of exciting programs for all ages, from Spanish/bilingual storytimes to cooking classes, author talks to art and cultural presentations.

Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.



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