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Tutorial: Tech Exchange Digital Literacy Classes

星期五, 9/22/2023
12:30 - 2:30
Learning Studio - 5th Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Learn the basics of how to use a computer. Tech Exchange’s digital skills curriculum provides residents with an introduction to technology use and encourages the incorporation of learned practices into daily life. Trainers work with participating residents to identify current skill levels and support residents in accomplishing self-determined goals. This class is part of a 4-week series, perfect for those who are new to computers or need a refresher on basic skills. The series will culminate with a graduation wherein participants can receive a device for their participation in the classes. Attendance is mandatory in order to receive the device. This program is part of a grant with the California Public Utilities Commission. Classes will be taught by Tech Exchange. Laptops will be provided for instruction.

Reservations required. This series and the waiting list are now full.

Tech Exchange was founded by Bruce Buckelew, a pioneer in addressing the digital divide through green technology solutions. Tech Exchange provides community with free and low-cost computers, tech support, digital skills, and assistance with internet access.


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In-person and online programs to help you explore current technology and navigate the digital world. Sign up for our monthly eNewsletter of upcoming classes and events.

Learn and live well at any age.



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