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Presentation: Urban Farming and the Microgreen Revolution!

A partnership with Dragonspunk
星期六, 2/24/2024
3:00 - 4:30
Ocean View Meeting Room
Ocean View

345 Randolph Street
San Francisco, CA 94132

Contact Telephone

Unlock the secrets of cultivating superfoods craved by Michelin-starred restaurants! Discover farm-to-table in the urban jungle, boost your health, and join San Francisco's burgeoning food network. Get hands-on experience and support a sustainable economy. Meet the Mission Bay 9 Garden Team and learn how to empower marginalized communities through sustainable agriculture. Don't miss this opportunity to grow your own nutritious crop – reserve your spot now! 

Presented by Isaiah Powell, founder of Dragonspunk, who is dedicated to addressing a range of challenges, including food insecurity, urban blight, environmental injustice, soil depletion, carbon footprint reduction, community building and plant and animal habitat restoration.

Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 355-5615.

Cultivate your green thumb.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Black community.

More Than a Month recognizes important events in Black history, honors community and national leaders and fosters steps towards collective change. Programming features authors, poets and craft classes. 



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