《诗化易经》BOOKED Banner 951x469.png


Author: Cao Shukun
星期日, 3/24/2024
2:00 - 5:00
Koret Auditorium
Koret Lobby
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

         《诗化易经》是诗人曹树堃出版《诗化老子道德经》后又一部诗化中华经典的作品。 作者大量运用五言及七言旧体诗,以普通百姓喜闻乐见的诗歌化形式来诠释这部被誉为“世界最早智慧宝典”的中华经典。作者以“大道至简”的精神,将《周易》原文以及《易传》的象辞、彖辞,编释成诗,再从义理和象数命理入手,深入浅出地诠释每一卦、每一爻的含义。诗句力求浅白、通俗,押韵,朗朗上口,易诵易记。解释力求富于趣味,有助于开发悟性。

        本活动将邀请湾区及洛杉矶的易学专家:  美西易經学會會長崔國建先生、林中明先生、醉一先生以及宇文大盛先生前来参与易经的研讨会。前来参与易经的研讨会。活動當天,我們將會有30本《诗化易经》免費贈送給讀者,先到先得。此活動將會以普通话進行。 

           "Poeticizing the Yi Jing" is a work by the poet Cao Shukun, which poetically interprets classical Chinese literature. The author extensively employs pentasyllabic and heptasyllabic poems, presenting the revered Chinese classic, known as the "world's earliest wisdom treasure," in a poetic form that resonates with people. Guided by the spirit of simplicity, the author translates the original text of the Yi Jing and its commentaries into poetry, delving into the meanings of each hexagram and line from the perspectives of philosophy and numerology. The poetry aims to be simple, accessible, rhyming, and easy to recite and remember. The explanations strive to be rich in interest, aiding in the development of insight.

This event will invite experts in Yi Jing studies from the Bay Area and Los Angeles to participate in a  panel discussion on the Yi Jing. On the day of the event, we will give away 30 complimentary copies of "Poeticizing the Yi Jing" to readers on a first-come, first-served basis. This event will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese.




Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
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Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin



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