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樂隊表演: Alphabet Rockers

星期四, 6/3/2021
4:30 - 5:15

來與 Alphabet Rockers 一起慶祝美麗的夏季和社區吧!參與者可以加入視頻密碼或通過聊天室收看及參與。我們可以一起探索 Hip Hop 元素,讓身體在歡慶中動起來!將家俱移開以創建舞池或將您的設備帶到戶外欣賞此音樂會。邀請一家大小加入。適合兒童及其家人。


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Alphabet Rockers 製作能帶來改變的音樂。我們的家庭需要治癒的容度,反映我們是誰並賦予我們權力 — 包括黑人解放、酷兒解放、原住民權利、移民權益和交叉性。Alphabet Rockers 與社區一起策劃此次活動內容,以童音為中心。我們會放大真實的故事,並打斷讓我們來到這裡的模式。見證我們如何完成這項集體工作 — 與我們化身成為真正的變革者。


Founded by Kaitlin McGaw (she/her) and Tommy Shepherd (he/him/they), this intergenerational group creates brave spaces to shape a more equitable world through hip hop. Their GRAMMY nominated 2018 album, Rise Shine #Woke reached 300K kids and families since its release, inspiring American kids to stand up to hate and be their brave and beautiful selves. Their second GRAMMY nominated album The Love (2019) lifts up voices of the trans, two-spirit and gender non-conforming communities. On The Love, you hear the intergenerational sound of the Rockers, with Kali de Jesus (he/him), Lillian Ellis (she/her/hers), Maya Fleming (she/her) and Tommy Shepherd III (he/him) joining McGaw & Shepherd in anthems for change.

With headlining performances at Lollapalooza, The Kennedy Center, San Francisco Pride Festival, Art & Soul Festival and the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture, and in over 50 schools across the country each year, diverse audiences love their contemporary sound and positive messages. They were GRAMMY nominees in 2018/2020, American Library Association’s Top Album in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and won the Parents’ Choice Award for their 5-album catalogue. Alphabet Rockers appeal to a broad audience with lyrics like “I will stand up for you” and “I shine in my beautiful skin,” landing them in the top 5 songs of 2018 on Kids Place Live SiriusXM Radio. Their music, videos, concerts and curriculum are designed by an intercultural team of anti-bias thought leaders, educators, artists, parents and young people of all genders.

聯繫 Alphabet Rockers: 網址 Website | 臉書 Facebook | 即時電報 Instagram | 推特 Twitter

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