Census 2020

Census 2020: Hiring Census Takers and Supervisors

星期日, 2/23/2020
1:00 - 5:00
Bayview General Floor Area
Bayview/Linda Brooks-Burton

5075 3rd Street
San Francisco, CA 94124

Contact Telephone

Receive hands-on assistance filling out the application. The Census Bureau is offering great pay, flexible work hours, no prior work experience needed, work within your community and receive paid training, earn from $30.00–33.00 hourly.

What to Bring:

  • Social Security Number
  • Email Address
  • Identification
  • Selective Service ( be registered or have a qualified exemption if male born after 12/31/1959)
  • Veterans Preference Documentation (if applicable)

You can also apply online at: 2020census.gov/jobs

Did you know that California has not lost a House of Representatives seat since 1850? If Californians don't participate in the decennial census, which starts in January 2020, it is possible that California may lose federal representation in the House - for the first time in 170 years!

Application help at Bayview Branch Library will be available every Sunday from 1:00–5:00 p.m., through mid-March.





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