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Tutorial: The Vegan Hood Chefs

星期五, 2/4/2022
12:00 - 1:00

The Vegan Hood Chefs share their food and small business journey, and demonstrate a healthy vegan recipe. The Vegan Hood Chefs' mission is to honor the heritage, sacredness and practices of cultural foods. Their goal is to increase health education and access for disenfranchised communities (particularly Black and brown) through their culinary work. 

Watch again on YouTube.


Ronnishia Johnson and Rheema Calloway are The Vegan Hood Chefs. They specialize in turning soul food and American-style favorites into delicious vegan meals. Their passion for community organizing, creativity and food has allowed them to launch a food initiative to help fight against food justice and social inequity within the San Francisco community. These chefs have recognized how nutrition education and access to healthy foods have contributed to the health conditions of many communities of color.


The chefs were motivated by the lack of access to healthy foods within their communities. Growing up in both Lakeview and Bayview Hunter’s Point areas of San Francisco combined with their experience in community organizing, they began to shine light on how their native communities were experiencing food apartheid. Linking illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity are prevalent in the community due to poor nutrition access and racial inequality. 


The Vegan Hood Chefs launched in 2017 and have become very popular amongst the vegan community in the Bay Area. Since founded, they have cooked for a number of organizations along with providing free cooking demos for the San Francisco community. The goal is to teach communities of color that healthy food options can be flavorful and creative.



The Vegan Hood Chefs - Website | The Vegan Hood Chefs - Instagram | The Vegan Hood Chefs - Twitter


Build better wellness practices and learn ways to improve your health.

Discover new flavors, build cooking skills and try something tasty. For food programs, please be aware of food allergies.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Black community.

More Than a Month recognizes important events in Black history, honors community and national leaders and fosters steps towards collective change. Programming features authors, poets and craft classes. 



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