
Panel: Building the Future of Cheese with Plant Milks with Miyoko Schinner

星期六, 8/13/2022
11:00 - 12:30
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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This is a hybrid event. Registration is required for Zoom attendance. In-person attendance does not require registration; seats available first come, first served.

Miyoko Schinner discusses her journey in the dairy and cheese industry in the Bay Area and speaks to the traditional cheesemaking methods she's explored in her cookbooks and her business throughout the years. There will be an opportunity to sample Miyoko’s  Creamery products. 

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Recognized by the United Nations as a ‘Vegan Revolutionary’ in its ‘The Future of Women’ global initiative, Schinner (pronounced "Me-yo-ko") is the compassionate, phenomenally vegan founder & CEO of Miyoko’s Creamery, the leading plant milk dairy brand founded on the principle of compassion and with the vision of building an animal-free food system. A cheesemaker, cult celebrity chef, best-selling cookbook author, animal advocate, environmentalist, global speaker and entrepreneur, Schinner is an epicurean activist who is leading the animal-free transformation of the dairy industry. The company's growing selection of product offerings include European-style vegan butter, artisan cheese wheels, mozzarella, roadhouse cheeses and cream cheese. With product distribution in more than 30,000 retailers across the country.

Miyoko founded Rancho Compasión with her husband Michael to provide a loving, lifelong home for rescued farm animals, and to change public perception about animals typically viewed as "food". The sanctuary promotes a compassionate and sustainable lifestyle for animals, our planet and our health.

Miyoko’s Creamery was founded by visionary CEO Schinner, who has dedicated her life to advancing the vegan food movement and advocating for animals as sentient beings. She's published 7 vegan cookbooks, founded multiple vegan food businesses, and most recently has become an outspoken leading advocate for the right of vegan food products to use traditional meat and dairy terms on their labels. A pioneer who is continuing to advance the industry through innovations in plant milk dairy, CEO Schinner has been named an industry “Game-Changer” by Food & Wine Magazine and is a member of the Forbes 50 over 50 women in business class.

Miyoko’s Creamery logo


Miyoko's Creamery - Website | Miyoko's Creamery - Twitter | Miyoko's Creamery - Instagram

Miyoko Schinner - Twitter | Miyoko Schinner - Instagram



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