
Performance: Zelmira Aguilar and Juan de Dios Soto present Tocando la Historia

In partnership with Tradición Peruana Cultural Center and the Consulate General of Peru
星期六, 6/18/2022
5:00 - 7:00

A celebration of Afro-Peruvian art, music, dance and literature presented by author Zelmira Aguilar and artist Juan de Dios Soto. 


Zelmira Aguilar: Beginning in 2012, Aguilar entered the world of writing historical essays that deal with the lives of enslaved Black women since their arrival in the territory of Peru that focus on the historical periods of the viceroyalty, independence and the nascent Republic. 


Juan de Dios Soto: Peruvian dancer, musician, artist and founder of Tradición Peruana Cultural Center, Soto has taught and performed Cajon and Afro-Peruvian percussion since he came to the United States in 1991 from Lima, Peru. As part of his cultural traditions, he was raised playing the Cajon with his family and community. Today he is the musical director of Jaranon y Bochinche Dance Performance Company and teaches classes to students and musicians throughout the Bay Area.

Engage with your favorite writers and discover your next read.

Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.

Programa en español. Program in spoken Spanish.



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