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Canceled: Performance: One Dyke's Theater

星期日, 8/7/2022
2:00 - 3:00

Terry Baum and Carolyn Myers read excerpts from One Dyke’s Theater, an anthology of plays from Terry Baum's pioneering writing on lesbian themes, encompassing 40 years of making theater. These include: their first play, Dos Lesbos; a San Francisco horror story, The Bride of Lesbostein, and Terry’s recent award-winning show, HICK: A Love Story (The Romance of Lorena Hickok and Eleanor Roosevelt). Between the scenes, they tell backstage stories of many of Terry’s plays, written and produced while living as a slightly world-renown lesbian playwright through the passions, struggles and wild good times of The Women’s and Gay Right’s movements.

Terry Baum is a pioneer lesbian playwright. Her plays have been published and produced all over the world, and translated into French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. Dos Lesbos (co-written with Carolyn Myers in 1981) was, for many lesbians, the first time they saw their lives accurately reflected in the media. Baum is very proud that Dos Lesbos inspired the first anthology of lesbian plays in the history of the universe (Places, Please). As a solo performer of her own work, Baum has toured the U.S., Canada, Europe, Israel, South Africa, Cuba and Mexico. Baum’s plays have won three awards at fringe festivals — Best of Fringe (2016 & 2019) at the San Francisco Fringe Fest and Fringe Fave (2015) at the New York Fringe Fest. In 2019, Exit Press published an anthology of Baum’s plays, One Dyke’s Theater. Besides theater, Terry Baum has been active in electoral politics. She was the Green party candidate for Congress in 2004 and ran for Mayor of San Francisco in 2011. 

Carolyn Myers is a retired warrior princess of comedy. She is the co-Artistic Director (with Terry Baum) of Lilith, a Women’s Theater. With the company she has performed as one half of the sketch comedy duo, The Crackpot Crones (or, as they are called when touring Mexico, Las Rucas Locas), and was the original director of HICK, a Love Story, the company’s most successful production to date. Before devoting her work full-time to Lilith, Carolyn was the Artistic Director of Planned Parenthood’s Teen Theaters of Southern Oregon and was a member of the glamorous Hamazons, an all-women’s Improv troupe. She has two plays, Girl Talk and Hot Flashes (co-authored with Dori Appel) published by Samuel French, and is the editor of One Dyke’s Theater, an anthology of plays by Terry Baum.


Terry Baum - Website  

Carolyn Myers - Website 


Gather, share knowledge and celebrate our unique identities at the queerest library ever. 

For more resources, the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center is the gateway to the Library’s broader collections documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual history and culture, with a special emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area.

Programs spotlighting women's history, rights and current issues.

HERstory is SFPL's celebration of Women's History Month, spotlighting authors, thinkers, visionaries and artists during the month of March. Program offerings are for all ages. 



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