
Workshop: San Francisco Genealogy Group: Tips on Dating a Photograph

星期三, 11/8/2023
1:00 - 3:00

In this San Francisco Genealogy Group session, special guest Gawain Weaver will discuss how to date old photos. With the goal of providing a framework for dating, Gawain will discuss the history and visual characteristics of the four most common photographic processes: albumen prints, tintypes, gelatin silver prints, and c-prints. He will provide an array of tips and tricks for each photographic print type based on the physical nature of the print. For instance, how does a UV light help to date a print? What about the scalloped edges of that B&W print? Or the chocolate colored background of that tintype? As a photograph conservator, Gawain specializes in the physical attributes of prints, and he will organize that knowledge into the semblance of a print dating method for all those willing to do a deep dive into photographic processes.

Gawain Weaver is a photograph conservator in private practice in Marin County, CA. He received B.A. degrees in art history and chemistry from Sonoma State University, and an M.A. in art history and diploma in conservation from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Gawain now leads a studio with three full time photograph conservators and two photographers where they specialize in the conservation and digitization of photographic materials. Gawain also maintains a busy teaching, workshop and consulting practice.


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