
Facing Life Exhibition Reception with Pendarvis Harshaw and Brandon Tauszik

星期六, 12/3/2022
3:30 - 4:30
Learning Studio - 5th Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Following the in-person event with Facing Life creators, participants and the Ear Hustle team, Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods, we gather at the Bridge at Main, 5th Floor, there will be a reception and exhibition viewing. Light refreshments will be served. 

Facing Life is a multimedia web-based project that chronicles the experiences of eight individuals living through re-entry after serving life prison sentences in California. Visuals by Brandon Tauszik & Words by Pendarvis Harshaw. Lynn Acosta photo by Brandon Tauszik

Over the course of two years, Tauszik and Harshaw followed these individuals as they faced everyday challenges, entered the workforce, and tried to readjust to today's rapidly changing way of life. Facing Life is comprised of cinemagraphs, videos, 360VR clips, and text, giving an intimate and extensive look into the lives of eight individuals living through re-entry in California. This project was made possible with support from the Pulitzer Center.  

Harshaw is a renowned journalist and educator based in Sacramento and Oakland, California. He has taught journalism to high school students as well as incarcerated men. He is a staff writer and podcast producer at KQED, as well as a graduate of UC Berkeley’s School of Journalism. His first book, OG Told Me, is a memoir-style collection of essays about Harshaw’s coming of age experience as a black man in America.

Tauszik is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Los Angeles and Oakland, California. His long-term projects examine elements of America’s social periphery. His most recent works have incorporated the largely unexplored medium of cinemagraphs, a delicate hybrid between the still image and film. This work has received reviews from TIME, Slate, VICE, Medium among others.



Facing Life - Website

Pendarvis Harshaw - Linktree | Pendarvis Harshaw - Twitter | Pendarvis Harshaw - Instagram 

Brandon Tauszik - Website | Brandon Tauszik - Twitter | Brandon Tauszik - Instagram

Events and workshops curated around SFPL’s One City One Book selection. One City One Book: San Francisco Reads is a citywide literary event that encourages members of the San Francisco community to read the same book at the same time. For more information, see sfpl.org/onecityonebook.

Learn from world-class designers, artists and experts in their fields. 

Learn about and increase your awareness of issues related to jail, prison, incarceration and reentry resources. Find out more about our services: sfpl.org/services/jail-and-reentry-services.





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