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Performance: Chinese Guqin and Poetry 古琴演奏及詩歌朗誦

with Coral Liang and students
星期六, 5/13/2023
12:00 - 1:00
Ocean View Meeting Room
Ocean View

345 Randolph Street
San Francisco, CA 94132

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Local musician Coral Liang and her students perform Guqin together with poetry recitation. A presentation on the harmony and rhythm of Guqin music introducing the audience to traditional Chinese aesthetics and their place in the literati culture follows.  

Coral plays the Guqin and Xiao. She started her music studies at the age of three and later took up the Chinese bamboo flute when she was six. She has also learned to play erhu and guzheng. Coral pursued advanced studies in Guqin perfomance with Dr. Mingmei Yip (New York) and Lei Chen ( GuangZhou). 

本地音樂家 Coral Liang 將會聯同學生演奏古琴音樂及朗誦詩歌。是次推廣活動將會介紹古琴音樂的和聲及節奏型,令觀眾了解傳統華夏音樂的美學及其於文人圈內的地位。

Coral演奏古琴及簫。從三歲開始她開始學習音樂;六歲時開始學習竹笛。Coral也學習過二胡及古箏; 古琴演奏則師從名家葉明媚博士(紐約)及陳磊老師(廣州)。

Connect: Coral Liang - YouTube

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

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Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin



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