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Panel: Sally: A Documentary Film in Progress

星期日, 7/9/2023
2:00 - 3:30
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Sneak preview of excerpts of Sally, a documentary-in-progress about the life and work of Sally Gearhart, lesbian feminist activist, scholar and fantasy author. With a panel discussion featuring Sally director Deborah Craig, Jewelle Gomez, Ruth Mahaney and Cherrie Moraga.

Deborah Craig is an award-winning documentary director and producer whose films use compelling personal stories to raise awareness about the challenges and strengths of underrepresented communities. Her work has played at LGBTQ+, women’s and documentary film festivals in the U.S. and internationally. Deborah’s most recent short, A Great Ride, a 33-minute documentary about lesbians and aging, premiered at the Frameline LGBTQ+ Film Festival in San Francisco in 2018, was picked up for distribution by Frameline, has screened at over 50 film festivals around the globe and has won multiple awards.

Jewelle Gomez (CaboVerdean/Wampanoag/Ioway; she/her) is a novelist, poet, playwright and cultural worker. Her eight books include three collections of poetry and the first Black Lesbian vampire novel, The Gilda Stories. In print for 30 years, it was recently optioned by Cheryl Dunye for a TV mini-series. Her recent collection of poetry, Still Water, was published in June 2022. Her new play, Unpacking in Ptown, will premiere at New Conservatory Theater in 2024.

Ruth Mahaney has taught LGBT History at City College of San Francisco for over 35 years and was a collective member of Modern Times Bookstore for 35 years. She has lived in San Francisco since 1971, when she first met Sally Gearhart. She and Sally both taught at SF State University and both were members of the Lesbian Caucus, a group of Lesbian activists attempting to advocate for Lesbian Rights with the City government. 

Cherrie Moraga is an internationally recognized poet, playwright, essayist and memoirist. She began work as professional writer as a co-editor (with Gloria Anzaldúa) of the avant-garde feminist anthology, This Bridge Called My Back:  Writings by Radical Women of Color. As a political and literary essayist, she has published several collections of writings, including:  A Xicana Codex of Changing Consciousness, Loving in The War Years: Lo que nunca pasó por sus labios, The Last Generation and Waiting in the Wings: Portrait of a Queer Motherhood.


Sally – Facebook

Sally – Website 

Gather, share knowledge and celebrate our unique identities at the queerest library ever. 

For more resources, the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center is the gateway to the Library’s broader collections documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual history and culture, with a special emphasis on the San Francisco Bay Area.

Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.



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