HERstory: past, present, future

Presentation: Glen Park Women Hall of Fame

星期三, 3/1/2023
6:00 - 7:30
Glen Park Meeting Room
Glen Park

2825 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94131

Contact Telephone

Learn about Glen Park's rich legacy of historic women who strove to make a difference in their local communities and beyond. From civil rights to suffragism, activism and environmentalism, for over 120 years Glen Park women have been elevating moxie to new heights like no other neighborhood in San Francisco. Evelyn Rose, founder, of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project, has been researching our local histories for over 20 years. 

In commemoration of Women’s History Month 2023, the Glen Park Women Hall of Fame will highlight 21 women linked with the Glen Park district, either through residence or other association, who stood up and spoke out to help make our world a better place for all. Learn about the amazing women who made history via an engaging talk with Evelyn Wednesday evening or visit the installation anytime throughout the month of March.

Build connections with others in our local programs.

Learn more about local history.

Programs spotlighting women's history, rights and current issues.

HERstory is SFPL's celebration of Women's History Month, spotlighting authors, thinkers, visionaries and artists during the month of March. Program offerings are for all ages. 



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