Illustration of girl reading book and a tree showing things you can do at the Library

Social: Library Day at the New Farm

星期六, 7/15/2023
12:00 - 5:00
The New Farm/Bay Natives Nursery

10 Cargo Way
San Francisco, CA 94124

The New Farm will be jumping with live music, dancers, new book giveaways, art and crafts, and of course, goats and chickens, plus the Bookmobile will be there.


“It’s a farm. It’s a chicken grazing field. It’s an environmental education center. And it might just be the coolest new music venue in all of San Francisco.” --SF Gate on The New Farm  



Asheba: Caribbean music with a musical storyteller who specializes in calypso, the musical and folkloric oral tradition of his homeland, Trinidad.

SampaguitaA not to miss set with the rocking Sampaguita Filipina/x/o Girls Rock Camp.



The Strutters: Experience Boogaloo, Robotting and Strutting, dance styles that came out of Oakland, Richmond and San Francisco. 


Art and Craft:

Calixto Robles and Ali Blum: People of all ages will create mixed media screen print art. You will print on paper and/or cloth patches, create prints of animals and food found on farms including cows, chickens, sheep, cats, vegetables and fruit. 

Crochet Jam: hosted by sculptor Ramekon O'Arwisters, uses the folk-art tradition of crocheting strips of fabric into free-form and organic soft sculptures to foster social interaction, creativity and liberation. Crochet Jam is an opportunity for play, experimentation, and for allowing the material to transform naturally without any expectations nor any attempt to control the outcome. Participants become a conduit for the transformation of the material without any resistance, whether they like what they see or not.


Walking Tours: 

Heron's Head Park Walking Field Trip with an expert from San Francisco Parks Alliance. On this stroller-friendly trail, you will get to view and identify birds and other city wildlife. 

Times: 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.


The New Farm is an ecology center, creative space and community gathering place.  

Andrew Pollack, founder of The New Farm, is the president of the Green City Project, an environmental education nonprofit.  


The New Farm - Website | The New Farm - Instagram | The New Farm - Twitter  | The New Farm - Facebook  


Build connections with others in our local programs.

Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.



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