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Ralph Chessé Opening Program and Reception

星期六, 5/18/2024
1:00 - 5:00
Jewett Gallery - Lower Level
Koret Auditorium
Koret Lobby
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Jewett Gallery, Koret Lobby and Koret Auditorium, Lower Level

Immerse yourself in the world of Ralph Chessé, a prolific artist who made a lasting impact on the Bay Area arts and theater scene, at the opening reception for Ralph Chessé: A San Francisco Century. The program starts with the San Francisco Puppeteers Guild meeting, which is open to the public. Then, join exhibition curator Glen Helfand on a tour of the exhibition; watch a demonstration of different puppet styles with local puppeteer Fred C. Reilly III; hear about Ralph's life and work from Bruce Chessé, Ralph’s son and collaborator; and mingle with friends over light snacks and live music by Kitten on the Keys in celebration of the life and legacy of this San Francisco legend. Jewett Gallery is open during library hours. Co-presented by the San Francisco Bay Area Puppeteers Guild


1 PM Auditorium: Puppet Guild Meeting - open to the public 

1:30 PM Jewett Gallery: Tour with Exhibition Curator, Glen Helfand 

2 PM Auditorium: Puppet Demo with Fred C. Reilly III 

2:45 PM Auditorium: Bruce Chessé in Conversation with Marisol Himmel

3:45 PM Koret Lobby: Reception with Live Music by Kitten on the Keys

Learn from world-class designers, artists and experts in their fields. 



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