
Performance: Open Rehearsal: Thomas Schultz Plays Women Composers

Centuries of Innovation in Celebration of International Women’s Day
星期三, 3/6/2024
3:00 - 4:30
Koret Lobby
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Hyo-shin Na and Thomas Schultz present an open rehearsal of works for solo piano by Clara Schumann, Ruth Crawford and Hyo-shin Na with Thomas Schultz on piano and commentary by Hyo-shin Na.


  • Excerpt from "Autumn Study" by Hyo-shin Na
  • Excerpt from "Many Paradises" by Hyo-shin Na
  • Piano Study in Mixed Accents by Ruth Crawford
  • Selected Romances from Op. 11 and Op. 21 by Clara Schumann


Hyo-shin Na has been awarded the Korean National Composers Prize twice, for Western instrumental music and for Korean traditional instrumental music. In the West she has been commissioned by the Fromm Foundation at Harvard University, the Koussevitzky Foundation, the Zellerbach Family Foundation, the Argosy Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the San Francisco Arts Commission, the Elaine and Richard Fohr Foundation, InterMusic SF, the Other Minds Festival, the Los Angeles International New Music Festival and many other organizations.

Thomas Schultz has established an international reputation both as an interpreter of music from the classical tradition - particularly Bach, Beethoven, Schubert and Liszt - and as one of the leading exponents of the music of our time. Schultz's musical studies were with John Perry, Leonard Stein and Philip Lillestol. He has been a member of the piano faculty at Stanford University since 1994, and beginning in the summer of 2018, he offers an annual series of masterclasses for young artists at Stanford University.

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.



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