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Author: Shikha Malaviya, Anandibai Joshee: A Life in Poems

星期日, 1/28/2024
4:00 - 5:00

Learn about Anandibai Joshee, India's first female medical doctor and the first woman from India to study medicine in the United States in the nineteenth century.

Shikha Malaviya, a poet from the Bay area, shares from her recently published collection of persona poems (as well as imagined memoir) titled: Anandibai Joshi: A Life in Poems. In a life tragically cut short, Anandibai managed to cross borders and barriers society placed before her to pursue her dream of studying medicine. Malaviya discusses her book of poetry written to bring Anandibai to life and to honor her legacy.

Shikha Malaviya is a poet, writer and publisher. Her previous book of poems, Geography of Tongues, came out in 2013. Her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and published in journals and anthologies such as Catamaran, Plume and Prairie Schooner. She was selected as Poet Laureate of San Ramon, California in 2016. She is a Mosaic America Fellow and a member of The Writer's Grotto. She graduated from University of Minnesota with degrees in liberal studies, creative writing and mass communications. 


Shikha Malaviya – Instagram   |  Shikha Malaviya – Website  



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