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Author: Laura Burges, The Zen Way of Recovery

Rogue Recovery welcomes a special guest speaker
星期二, 5/21/2024
6:30 - 7:30
Park Meeting Room

1833 Page Street
San Francisco, CA 94117

Contact Telephone

Ryuko Laura Burges will be sharing her story of recovery and the Buddhist teachings and practices that have helped her stay sober since 1985.  Her recent book, The Zen Way of Recovery: An Illuminated Path Out of the Darkness of Addictiondraws together resources that can help us cultivate the serenity and courage to meet each day with integrity and humor. Join us for a short period of meditation, a talk and reading by Laura and the wisdom of the group. The Park Branch Library will offer free copies of the book to participants while supplies last.

Ryuko Laura Burges, a lay entrusted dharma teacher in the Soto Zen tradition, teaches classes, lectures and leads retreats in Northern California. She received monastic training at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. Laura co-founded the Sangha in Recovery Program at the San Francisco Zen Center and is the abiding teacher at Lenox House Meditation Group in Oakland. Shambhala Publications offers her Buddhist children’s books, Buddhist Stories for Kids and Zen for Kids. Laura lives in San Francisco.

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Rogue Recovery is open to all community members who need guidance in taking the first step. Working in partnership with the public library, these meetings are led by people in long-term recovery. The community is invited to listen, share and learn strategies to find and maintain sobriety. Refreshments provided. 

Contact the facilitators of Rogue Recovery:

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Programs to support individuals, families and friends who are seeking recovery from addiction, with the aim to raise awareness and build community. 



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