
Activity: Brain Games Cafe

Explore, Learn, and Have Fun this Spring Break at Your Library!
星期一, 4/8/2024
11:00 - 1:00
Children's General Floor Area - 2nd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Join us for a week filled with exciting STEM activities at the Main Library's Children's Center!

Unleash your child's curiosity with hands-on experiences that blend learning and fun. From interactive workshops to thrilling experiments, we've curated an engaging lineup to make this Spring Break a memorable adventure for your young minds.

STEM-tastic Week Highlights:

MONDAY - Science Explorers: Dive into the world of scientific wonders! Conduct exciting experiments, witness mind-blowing demonstrations, and ignite the spark of curiosity.

TUESDAY - Tech Wizards: Calling all tech enthusiasts! Explore the latest in technology, coding, and robotics. Unleash your inner tech wizard with interactive sessions and innovative challenges.

WEDNESDAY - Engineering Extravaganza: Build, design, and create! Engage in hands-on engineering activities that encourage creativity and problem-solving. Discover the engineer within you.

THURSDAY - Math Marvels: Make math magical! Join us for games, puzzles, and activities that turn numbers into a thrilling adventure. Boost your math skills while having a blast!

FRIDAY - STEM CELEBRATION: Conclude the week with a STEM Celebration featuring interactive stations, games, and prizes! It's a celebration of all things STEM.

Connect with your community through Library gatherings.

Build connections with others in our local programs.

Gain a new perspective on and understanding of the world through programs on the sciences.





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