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Book Club: Finding Refuge by Michelle Cassandra Johnson

This Embodied Book Club is a partnership with TendWell Collective
星期二, 8/13/2024
6:00 - 7:00

We focus on Michelle Cassandra Johnson's profound work, Finding Refuge: Heart Work for Healing Collective Grief. This session offers a unique blend of activities, including a Reading Hour, a Community Conversation, and Gentle Movement and Meditation exercises.


Amidst the backdrop of the recent Surgeon General Advisory addressing loneliness, isolation and the lack of connection in our society, TendWell Collective and SFPL aim to foster communities of care and resilience. The importance of cultivating a sense of community for overall wellness cannot be overstated, and Parker's book serves as a catalyst for exploring and reimagining our social gatherings, both personal and professional.


We will have meaningful conversations and practices to nurture our collective well-being. 


This Book Club is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM PDT. Whether you're a regular or a first-time attendee, all are welcome to join this engaging discussion, even if you haven’t read or finished the book.


TendWell Collective is a San Francisco Bay Area group of wellness professionals envisioning a world where everyone has the resources, access, community, and agency that they need to tend to their own wellness.


Let's build communities of care together!



TendWell Collective - Website | TendWell Collective - Schedule | TendWell Collective - Values | TendWell Collective - Instagram

Related Events: Let’s Talk Death or Death, Dying and Grief, oh my! – A Series

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Build better wellness practices and learn ways to improve your health.

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