Workshop: Preventing Behavior Problems Through Positive Parenting 正向教養預防行為問題

Presented by Support for Families 家庭支援中心職員主講
星期二, 8/27/2024
11:00 - 12:00
Minnie and Lovie Ward Recreation Center

650 Capitol Ave,
San Francisco, CA 94112

Learn parenting techniques that support having a healthy, positive relationship with your child. The workshop starts with an overview of the social-emotional development of children that will help you understand what is happening when your child is struggling with their behavior. We cover helpful tips for positive parenting that supports the healthy social-emotional development of your child, increase the connection you have with them as they grow and mature and reduce the occurrence of challenging behavior. Participants leave with a list of local and online resources that offer additional parenting support. This workshop is conducted in Cantonese. 

Connect: Support for Families - Website 

學習與孩子建立健康、積極關係的育兒技巧。 講座概述兒童的社交情感發展,幫助您瞭解孩子與他們的行為掙扎時的情況。 我們會介紹正向育兒的有用技巧,增進您們之間的關係,並减少挑戰性行為。 參加者將收到一份本地及網上有關教養孩子的資訊清單。是次講座以粵語進行。

連結:  家庭支援中心 - 網頁 

Summer Stride is the Library's annual summer learning, reading and exploration program for all ages and abilities. Read and learn with the Library all summer long.

活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin

Programs for parents and caregivers spotlighting early literacy and child development.





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