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POSTPONED Performance: Rado Randriamamonjy of Kids Music SF

星期四, 2/9/2023
12:00 - 12:45
Eureka Valley Children's Area
Eureka Valley/Harvey Milk Memorial

1 Jose Sarria Court
San Francisco, CA 94114

Contact Telephone

This program has been postponed, date to be determined. Thank you for your interest in our programs.

Listen, dance and sing along to an interactive music program that involves music appreciation, movement, group interaction, fine and gross motor skills development and cognitive skills development. For children and their families. 

Rado Randriamamonjy is a music educator living and teaching in San Francisco. Born in Madagascar and raised in New York, Randriamamonjy began his work with children when he interned at the Boys Club of New York and helped run the Summer Reading Programs at the Tompkins Square location. After moving to Philadelphia he combined his love of music with his affinity for working with children as a teacher/performer for the award-winning children's music program, Makin' Music (MM). He moved to San Francisco and launched Kids Music SF (KMSF) and has been a featured music program at a variety of preschools, libraries and other youth focused organizations. In his spare time, Randriamamonjy helped organized Integrarte, a Mission-based after school program dedicated to educating the children of the SF Mission District on the history of Latino art, culture and music. 


Kids Music SF - Website

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Black community.

More Than a Month recognizes important events in Black history, honors community and national leaders and fosters steps towards collective change. Programming features authors, poets and craft classes. 





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