More Than a Month: Black History, Culture & Heritage

Dialogue: Artist Spotlight with Rodney Ewing

星期四, 2/25/2021
7:00 - 8:00

Rodney Ewing, SFPL’s More Than a Month feature artist, will discuss his work, latest exhibitions and about creating work during the pandemic. 

Rodney Ewing’s drawings, installations, and mixed media works focus on his need to intersect body and place, memory and fact to re-examine human histories, cultural conditions, and events. With his work he is pursuing a narrative that requires us to be present and intimate. His work has been exhibited at Euphrat Museum of Art, Cupertino, CA; The Drawing Center, New York, NY; and in San Francisco, CA at Root Division, Jack Fischer Gallery, San Francisco Art Commission Gallery, Nancy Toomey Fine Art, Alter Space Gallery, and Ictus Projects. He has been an Artist-in-Residence at Recology and the De Young Museum of Fine Arts both in San Francisco, as well as Djerassi in Woodside, California, Headlands Center for the Arts in Marin, California, and Bemis Center for the Arts, Omaha, Nebraska. Ewing received his BFA in Printmaking from Louisiana State University and his MFA in Printmaking West Virginia University.

Ewing’s most recent work can be seen online at Nancy Toomey Fine Art, part of the Minnesota Street Project.

Connect with Rodney Ewing - Website | Instagram | Facebook








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