
Author: Salma Arastu & Dr. Basma Abdelgafar

Our Earth: Embracing All Communities
Sábado, 4/9/2022
11:00 - 12:00

Salma Arastu and Dr. Basma Abdelgafar discuss living ecologically in connection to Arastu’s book, which combines the beauty of art science, nature with verses from the Quran. 


Watch on YouTube.


Arastu brilliantly combines transparent layers of color, penetrating textures and pen and ink drawings to create luminous paintings that illustrate stories from the Quran of the earth and all living communities.


Berkeley based Arastu, a native of Rajasthan, India, has been creating and exhibiting her paintings internationally since graduating with a master’s degree in Fine Arts from MS University, Baroda, India. Her art form and techniques are greatly inter-woven with Arabic Calligraphy, Miniature Arts and Folk patterns, her major influences through her travels.


As a visual artist she has exhibited nationally and internationally and has won several prestigious awards including the East Bay Community’s Fund for Artists in 2012, 2014 and 2020. She has public art pieces on display in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and San Diego, California and she has also written and published five books on art and poetry including her recent with ecological consciousness from Quranic verses, Our Earth: Embracing All Communities.


Dr. Basma Abdelgafar is an avid reader and reflector on the meanings of the Quran and Sunnah. She is also Vice President of Maqasid Institute and Professor of Public Policy. She consults and provides training internationally on policy, governance and Muslim affairs. Dr. Abdelgafar has worked in the Canadian federal government, academia and the third sector. She has contributed to the development of graduate studies in public policy at the American University in Cairo, Qatar Foundation and the International Peace College of South Africa. She has a keen interest in research and teaching in public policy and governance in Islam as well as in Muslim history, thought, institutions and communities. She obtained her Ph.D. in Public Policy from Carleton University, Ottawa, in 2003. Her publications, some of which have been translated into several languages, cover topics ranging from intellectual property to morality.



Salma Arastu - Website | Salma Arastu - Oneness Projects Website

Dr. Basma Abdelgafar - Website

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