Night of Ideas 2022 Banner.png

Presentation: Night of Ideas 2022

Gathering Bay Area thinkers, community leaders, artists and visionaries, this year's edition is back in person!
Martes, 5/17/2022
7:00 - 9:00
KQED Headquarters

2601 Mariposa St.
San Francisco , CA 94110
Estados Unidos


Presented in partnership with the French Consulate's Villa San Francisco, California Humanities, SFMOMA and KQED, the Night of Ideas is roaring back with another free celebration of critical thought and creative expression! The in-person return of Night of Ideas takes place at KQED's new community media center and studio headquarters in the Mission.

Exploring the theme "(Re)building Together: Where Are We Going?", this unforgettable evening of talks, art, music and community invites us to consider a world that is still reeling from pandemic, global conflict and climate disruptions, while daring us to find hope in the future. How do we heal ourselves and our communities from this collective trauma? How can we dismantle systems of oppression and (re)build our institutions to meet the pressing needs of our time? How do we fortify our democracies and stave off authoritarianism? What ideas will carry us forward to a brighter tomorrow?

Before the main program from 6 pm to 7 pm, join Creativity Explored for docent tours of the artwork installed at KQED featuring neurodiverse and disabled artists working in their San Francisco studios. Be sure to drop by the Creativity Explored table in the lobby to meet an artist, shop for art and learn more about their life-changing programs. 

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Learn from world-class designers, artists and experts in their fields. 

Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.

Get informed about local and national civic issues.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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